Terms & Condition

Our Travel agency Vaidehi Cab Pvt. Ltd. was set up under the laws of the Indian Republic. Customers who use, browse, access, or book a cab or taxi using our website do so voluntarily and unconditionally. Any additional terms and regulations displayed on this site constitute an agreement between Vaidehi Cab Pvt. Ltd. and the Customer about your use of this Site. Before you may use Vaidehi Cab Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Site” or “we” or “our”), you must read and agree to all of the terms and conditions given out in this Terms and Conditions and the associated Privacy Policy.

Vaidehi Cab Pvt. Ltd. enables you to explore and pick services. Before using or enrolling on the website, please read these terms of use. Do not use the site if you do not agree. Vaidehi Cab Pvt. Ltd. has the right to amend these Terms of Use at any moment, and thus the Users are urged to review these Terms of Use before using the Website. The most recent version of the Terms of Service should always be reviewed by visitors to the Website. There is a legend in each document with the words “Last Updated” that tells You when Vaidehi Cab Pvt. Ltd. last updated any element of the Agreement. You are solely responsible for regularly reviewing these Terms of Service for any updates. By using the Website and/or Services in the future, you agree that you have read, understand, and agree to the new terms.

Terms of Use

  • You are solely responsible for your use of the information provided on this website. Anything may happen at any time without prior warning.
  • Cookies are used on this site to track visitors’ browsing habits. The following information may be saved by us for use by third parties if you allow cookies to be used: Location based on Internet Protocol (IP) address.
  • This website and its contents are provided “as is,” without any warranty of any kind, either from us or from third parties, as to their correctness, timeliness, performance, completeness, or appropriateness for any specific purpose. To the maximum extent permissible by law, we disclaim all responsibility and liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in the information and materials provided.
  • You use this website’s information and resources at your own risk; we are not responsible in any way. Any items, services, or information purchased or obtained via this website must fit your unique needs.

We own or have permission to use all.